Station: [14] Mountain garden
For centuries, it was a matter of course for people to help themselves to nature. Nobody thought about the fact that a deposit might be used up at some point. Coal and gas, gold or precious stones do not grow back, or only infinitely slowly. At some point, even trees were no longer big enough to provide enough wood.
And then what? - We animals have seen this from the beginning: Where there were once granite rocks, there were eventually holes. And no matter how many workers there were, they could still have an accident or fall down. People simply didn't notice. They just said: business must go on. No matter what it looks like up here and how dangerous it gets....
Now don't be so harsh. After all, it's nicer than ever today. Rainwater has long since collected in the deep holes. Lakes have formed in the middle of the forest. That's fantastic. And there is no more granite quarrying here. So the beautiful forest is preserved. You know how many animals are now living here again: Kestrels that love the rocks so much, wild ducks, but also frogs and even snakes.
Not forgetting the delicious fish. Although I still don't understand how they got into the lakes in the first place. They don't fall from the sky like rain...
Even our work site, which was once a hive of activity from sunrise to sunset, has now been reclaimed by nature. Grass and flowers are growing from the once dusty ground. The trees are getting bigger from year to year. We have put out tables and chairs for our guests so that they can have a picnic here or enjoy the beautiful view of the landscape. And because there is no road for miles around, the peace and quiet here is heavenly, even during the day.
Foto: © SOMV gGmbH