Station: [10] Formation and components of granite
Granite is formed deep in the earth. It is a volcanic rock that is formed during cooling. When an underground volcano erupts and the hot magma does not reach the earth's surface, it cools very slowly. This can take as long as 15 million years... In the process, it forms clearly recognizable crystals: reddish to white feldspar, grey quartz and dark shiny mica. These are the different color spots you have just seen.
In the following millions of years, the earth's surface is worn away by erosion, i.e. mainly by wind and rain. What was once deep inside the earth now comes to the surface, just like here in the Königshain Mountains. If you want to study the individual steps in detail, take a closer look at the panels with texts and illustrations on the walls.
Here in Königshain, the granite has a rather cool and light color. It is described as gray-yellow in the DIY stores. We once had granite colleagues from India visiting us. They were salmon pink with some gray and some of them were extremely dark, almost black. They looked beautiful, so special. But I also really like my pale color. When the sun shines on us Königshain paving stones, the streets are a bright, friendly sight.
Foto: © SOMV gGmbH