The Goethe National Museum is the most significant museum dedicated to presenting and researching Goethe´s life´s work. It includes the historical residence at the Frauenplan with a garden, where part of Goethe´s art and scientific collections as well as his private library can be seen. Two museum extensions from the 20th century are used to display additional collection items in a study room designed as an exhibition depot and a scientific cabinet. The exhibition "Flood of Life - Tempest of Deeds" provides visitors with insights into Goethe´s life and achievements. Moreover, the user department of the Museums Directorate and particularly the Graphic Collections of the Klassik Stiftung Weimar are currently housed at the Goethe National Museum. The collections section offers an overview of Goethe´s collections and his estate. Goethe´s literary estate is kept at the Goethe and Schiller Archive. History: Shortly after the death of Goethe´s last grandson, Walther von Goethe, the inheritance of Goethe´s historical residence and his artistic and scientific collections were entrusted to the Goethe National Museum, founded in 1885. That same year, comprehensive donations from the Henckel von Donnersmarck family and Dr. Felix Vulpius contributed further items from the poet´s personal environment. Due to the continuously growing collections, two museum buildings were constructed in 1913 and 1935, which today house the main foyer, exhibition rooms, exhibition storage, and study rooms. The Goethe National Museum presents themes of the Goethe era and objects from Goethe´s collections in rotating special exhibitions.