About 2000 years ago, during the time of the Romans, there was a legionary camp not far from the present-day city center, from which the city of Colonia Ulpia Traiana developed (destroyed around 275 AD). In the early Middle Ages, a new settlement emerged above the old Roman cemetery – the future Xanten, with the monastery and the St. Victor's Cathedral (8th century). According to a Latin text from the 9th century, the city was called Sanctos. Undoubtedly, this place name is related to the legend of Saint Victor as well as the discovered tombs, which were later interpreted as martyr's graves. In the Nibelungenlied, "Santen" is mentioned as the alleged birthplace of the hero Siegfried. Thus, Xanten is known as a Roman, cathedral, and Siegfried city all at once. Xanten is the only city in Germany that begins with an 'X'.
Die Römer-, Dom- und Siegfriedstadt blickt auf eine über 2000-jährige Geschichte zurück. Ihre Anfänge liegen in der Errichtung des Legionslagers Vetera und der Colonia Ulpia Traiana im Römischen Reich und setzen sich fort mit der Gründung des Stifts St. Viktor im 8. Jahrhundert. Dieser Audioguide beinhaltet sieben Stationen aus dem mittelalterlichen Stadtkern.
The Roman-, cathedral- and Siegfried city looks back at a more than 2000 years of history. Their beginnings lie in the establishment of the legion camp Vetera and the Colonia Ulpia Traiana in the Roman empire and continue with the foundation of the cathedral Saint Viktor in the 8th century. This audioguide contains seven stations from the medieval town center.
Le romaine, la cathédrale et Siegfried ville peuvent regarder en arrière sur plus de 2000 ans d'histoire. Ses origines remontent à la création du camp militaire Vetera et la Colonia Ulpia Traiana dans l'Empire romain et se poursuivent avec la mise en place de la congrégation de Saint-Victor dans le 8ème siècle. Ce guide audio comporte sept stations du centre-ville médiéval.
De Romeinse, de kathedraal en Siegfried stad kan terugblikken op meer dan 2000 jaar geschiedenis. De oorsprong ligt in de vestiging van het militaire kamp Vetera en de Colonia Ulpia Traiana in het Romeinse Rijk en ga verder met de oprichting van de congregatie van St. Victor in de 8e eeuw. Deze audiogids omvat zeven stations van het middeleeuwse centrum van de stad.