
1. floor - Fluctuating Climatic Conditions
2. floor - Sedentary Civilisations
3. floor - Slavic Settlement to Industrial Revolution
Stations of this Audioguide
- 100
- Welcome
- 101
- Prologue
- 102
- Research History
- 103
- Glaciers in Saxony
- 104
- Habitats During the Glacial State
- 105
- Saxony's Oldest Archaeological Finds
- 131
- Sea Urchin Deposit
- 132
- Stratigraphy and Dating
- 106
- Out of Africa
- 133
- Reconstruction of the Skull from Steinheim
- 134
- Darwin's Theory of Evolution
- 107
- Neanderthal Encampment and Workshop
- 135
- Sprotta Hand Axe
- 136
- Birch Tar
- 108
- Neanderthals - Research History
- 109
- Glass Neanderthal
- 110
- Genetic Research
- 111
- The Late Ice-Age Habitat
- 112
- Groitzsch Encampment
- 113
- Homo Sapiens' Tools
- 114
- Imagination
- 137
- Slate Platelet with Horse Engraving
- 115
- Reichwalde Wood
- 138
- Dating Methods
- 116
- Mesolithic Age Habitat
- 117
- Mesolithic Workshop
- 118
- Nadelwitz Grave
- 119
- Epilogue - The Neolithic in Asia Minor-Anatolia
- 201
- Foreword
- 202
- Neolithic Well
- 240
- Finds in Wells
- 203
- Pottery Deposit
- 204
- Environment in the Neolithic Period
- 205
- Agricultural Implements and Crops
- 206
- Domestic Animals
- 241
- The Neolithic Diet
- 207
- Wood as Resource
- 208
- Linear Pottery Houses
- 209
- Stone Workshop
- 210
- The Zschernitz Adonis
- 211
- Model of Settlement
- 212
- Stroke-Ornamented Pottery in the Middle Neolithic
- 213
- Funerary Rites
- 214
- Cattle Burials in the Globular Amphora Culture
- 215
- Corded Ware and Bell Beaker Culture
- 216
- Corde Ware Cemeteries
- 217
- Oldest Copper in Saxony
- 218
- The Bronze Age
- 219
- Metallurgy
- 220
- Metal Craft and Metal Working
- 221
- Salt
- 222
- Deposits of Bronze Objects
- 223
- Speargead from Kyhna
- 224
- Hoard of Bronze Vessels
- 225
- Bronze Age Pottery
- 226
- Funerary Rites in the Bronze Age
- 227
- Block Excavation
- 228
- Soul Birds
- 229
- Urns with Human Face Designs
- 230
- Cabinet of Mirrors
- 231
- Clothes in the Iron Age - Woman of Treben
- 232
- Clothes in the Time of the Imperial Period - Man of Zauschwitz
- 233
- Settlements in the Time of the Roman Imperial Period
- 234
- Saxony in the Migration Period
- 235
- Grave of the Niemberger Group
- 236
- Epilogue
- 301
- Prologue – Anton Dietrich Picture
- 302
- From the Meissen Myth
- 303
- High Middle Ages - The Great Expansion
- 304
- Breunsdorf in the 12th Century
- 305
- Castles - Centers of Power
- 306
- Excursion - Count Wiprecht of Groitzsch
- 307
- Establishing Monasteries
- 308
- Excursion - Hoards of Medieval Knowledge
- 309
- 12th Century Town Foundations
- 310
- Mining Towns in the High Middle Ages
- 311
- Excursion - Zwickau Councillors
- 312
- Everyday Life through the Ages
- 330
- Everyday Life and War
- 313
- Mining - The Cradle of Saxonian Wealth
- 331
- Fourth Book and the Art of Mining
- 332
- First Book - Education and Sustainability
- 314
- Reformation
- 333
- Elisabeth of Rochlitz
- 315
- Saxony State Archive
- 316
- Crisis and Education
- 334
- Karl Benjamin Preusker
- 317
- Railway and Industry
- 318
- Nature - Source of New Energy
- 319
- Epilogue