
If you’re planning to travel to the Münsterland region of Germany, be sure to stop over in the village of Lette near Coesfeld – specifically to visit the local history museum. The Heimatmuseum opened in 1974 and is devoted to preserving regional history. The exhibits include such prehistoric finds as mammoth tusks, or remains from the Neolithic period. There’s a Romanesque tympanum on display along with exhibits showcasing rural life. In distinctive, entertaining style, the Lette Museum of Local History presents small treasures alongside individual pieces of genuine value.
All photos: © Heimatmuseum Lette
Stations of this Audioguide

- 1
- Welcome
- 2
- Archive and Press Review
- 3
- Finds from the Cretaceous
- 4
- Mammoth Milk Tusk
- 5
- Life in the (New) Stone Age
- 6
- The Funnel Beaker Culture
- 7
- First Documentary Evidence
- 8
- The Jansburg
- 9
- The Noble House of Lette
- 10
- The Old Church
- 11
- Lette Gun Club
- 12
- Barber’s Shop
- 13
- Bakery
- 14
- Shoemaker’s Workshop
- 15
- Schoolroom
- 16
- Caps
- 17
- Flax Processing
- 18
- Daily Life in a Rural Household
- 19
- The Parlour
- 20
- Life on the Farm