Station: [60] Julian Göthe, Within the realm of a dying sun, 2024

Supported on four limbs, the four-sided towering figure radiates a performative character. If at first it seems abstract, rigid and coolly metallic, on closer inspection it reveals an insect-like or creaturely quality, as if wanting to run off. With its sweeping forms the sculpture communicates with its surroundings, and appears to be set in motion by outside influences, such as us viewers or the light and shadow cast by its perforated metal plates.

Julian Göthe

Within the realm of a dying sun, 2024

Galvanised steel, powder coated

Courtesy of the artist; Galerie Buchholz, Cologne / Berlin / New York
Supported by Stiftung Skulpturenpark Köln

© Stiftung Skulpturenpark Köln, 2024, Photo: Mareike Tocha