The Böttchergäßchen House is the central department of the Museum of the City of Leipzig. It houses the administration, collections and service departments. The museum’s eight outside branches are administered from here.
The building is home to numerous special exhibitions and also to the Children’s Museum. Furthermore, there is a library and a photo library which is open to visitors for research purposes during normal opening hours.
Special educational offers for
Families with children
Workshops, Lesungen, Mitmachaktionen
Adolescents, pupils
Workshops, Lesungen, Mitmachaktionen
öffentliche Führungen und Vorträge in Sonderausstellungen
Disabled person
Führung auf Anfrage
getting there
Car parking
innerstädtische Parkplätze und -häuser
Bus parking
Connection public transport
S1 / S2 / S3 / S4 / S5 / S5X Haltestelle Markt / Alle Tram mit Haltestelle Goerdelerring, Thomaskirche, Hauptbahnhof / Bus 89 Haltestelle Reichsstraße
Our museum has
Publicly accessible library / archive / study rooms
Bibliothek Di 10 - 18 Uhr , Mi 14 - 18 UhrFotothek Di 10 - 17 UhrVoranmeldung notwendig
Note regarding pets (if necessary, dog care on the spot)
keine Haustiere
Notes on using your smartphone or cameras
kostenfrei; keine Nutzung von Blitzlicht/Stativ/Selfie-Sticks
Guided tours and group offers
Anmeldung unter 0341 9651 340,