Museum Schloss Burgdorf

Schlossgässli 1, 3400 Burgdorf, Switzerland

How to find us:

Schlossgässli 1
Zip, City
3400 Burgdorf
+41 34 426 10 20
#Schloss Burg Museum Regionalgeschichte Ethnologische Sammlung Gold
Opening times
Mon: 10:00 – 18:00
Tue: 10:00 – 18:00
Wed: 10:00 – 18:00
Thu: 10:00 – 18:00
Fri: 10:00 – 18:00
Sat: 10:00 – 18:00
Sun: 10:00 – 18:00
November bis März: Montag und Dienstag geschlossen Kalenderwochen 5 - 7: Betriebsferien 24./25. Dezember: geschlossen Letzter Eintritt ins Museum: 17:30 Uhr
Standard entry fee
CHF 14
Admission charges
Gruppen ab 10 Personen:Erwachsene: CHF 10.-IV oder in Ausbildung: CHF 6.-Kinder (6-16 Jahre): CHF 4.-Freier Eintritt:Schweizer MuseumspassRaiffeisenkarte Member PlusMuseum Card BernGönnerInnen und Vereinsmitglieder SammlungsvereinKulturlegiVMS/ICOM-AusweisPersonen mit Ausweis Status F, N oder SGäste der Jugendherberge Schloss Burgdorf (im Übernachtungspreis inkludiert)


Das dritte und jedes weitere Kind erhalten kostenlos Eintritt.

CHF 10

CHF 14

Disabled person
CHF 10


A castle where you can wonder, eat, sleep and celebrate !

The Burgdorf Castle offers you the unique opportunity to wonder, eat, sleep and celebrate, since it is a museum, a restaurant and a youth hostel, all in one ! In the museum, you will discover a diversity of world views, through its different cabinets of curiosities. In the restaurant you will taste regional dishes in a historical atmosphere, and at the youth hostel you will get a comfortable night's sleep surrounded by old stones, either in a double room, a family room or in a dorm. Burgdorf Castle is the ideal place to celebrate marriages, holding family gatherings or organising seminaries, all in a memorable setting.

An architectural heritage of national importance

Burgdorf Castle is one of the oldest and most important castles in Switzerland. The main buildings, still well preserved, were constructed in red bricks around the year 1200, under the rule of Berthold V, Duke of Zähringen. After his death, the House of Kyburg made the castle their residence, until they loose the war of Burgdorf and have to sell the county of Burgdorf to the Republic of Bern. A Bernese avoyer, or Shultheiss, (a mayor in medieval Switzerland) took over the castle, making it an administrative centre of the canton, with both a courthouse and a prison, which closed in 2012. In April 2020, the castle re-opened as a museum, together with a restaurant, a youth hostel and halls available for rent.

A museum of curiosities and discoveries

Burgdorf Castle is a large cabinet of curiosities where the objects originating from many centuries and from all continents invite to wonder and discovery. Different exhibitions, based on stories from the castle itself, from Burgdorf and from the Emmental region create bridges with the outside world and to the present time. Both young and old visitors can themselves become active and solve mysteries or explore the must-sees by following specific paths through the castle. Who will find the castle ghost? 

A restaurant for delicacies and a banquet hall for celebrations

The 60-seat restaurant is designed to be a meeting place for both the Burgdorf inhabitants and the castle visitors. The guests will be served regional specialities at every meal of the day. The hall of the old Court of Justice offers a charming setting for lavish festivities, banquets or events, for up to 80 persons. A terrace in the castle's courtyard brings life to the old walls, and private cocktail parties can take place in the tower garden. Twelve Fridays per year, the historical ceremonial hall of Burgdorf Castle is also open for marriage celebrations.

Staying overnight in the castle

Who has never dreamt of sleeping in a castle or a in a museum? At Burgdorf Castle, the dream can become true! The comfortable rooms of the youth hostel also hosts small stagings. The youth hostel is open all year-round and offers a total of 115 beds at reasonable prices, either in double rooms, in family rooms or in dorms. The breakfast and museum entrance fee are included in the accommodation price.

Discover the region

Burgdorf Castle is an ideal starting point to discover the Emmental region. The unique landscape calls for hiking or bicycle tours, with or without electricity! The city of Burgdorf and its region offers a vast array of cultural and historical activities and sports events. As a guest of the youth hostel, you are entitled to discounts on certain offers.

Place on the map


Special educational offers for

Families with children
Rätseltouren für verschiedene Alterskategorien
Adolescents, pupils
Escape Tour durch das Museum
Verschiedene Thementouren durch das Museum
Verschiedene Thementouren durch das Museum
Disabled person
Menschen mit Mobilitätsbehinderungen empfehlen wir die Anreise mit dem Auto. Nach vorgängiger Anmeldung bei der Jugendherberge ist die Zufahrt bis in den Schlosshof erlaubt.Der Schlosshof, das Restaurant, die Jugendherberge und ein Teil der Museumsräume sind rollstuhlgängig.

getting there

Car parking
Beim Schloss bestehen keine Parkplätze. Bitte benutzen Sie das Parkhaus Oberstadt oder die weiteren Parkplätze in der Stadt.
Bus parking
Cars dürfen Reisende am Kronenplatz kurz ein- und aussteigen lassen, von dort sind es 3 Minuten Fussweg zum Schloss. Eine kostenlose Parkmöglichkeit für Cars besteht auf dem Parkplatz Markthalle (Koordinaten: 47.053504, 7.629484). Das Schloss ist von dort in 10 Minuten zu Fuss zu erreichen.
Connection public transport
Direkte Verbindungen ab Bern (13 Min.), Olten (29 Min.), Solothurn (27 Min.), Thun (53 Min.) und Zürich (1h10). Ab dem Bahnhof führt ein 15-minütiger Spaziergang durch die Altstadt zum Schloss. Von 8-23 Uhr fährt der Bus 461 viertelstündlich zum Kronenplatz, von wo das Schloss in 3 Minuten erreicht wird.

Our museum has

Loan Rollers & Rollers
Lendable baby carriages and baby carriers
Baby changing facilities
Event room / lecture rooms (rentable)
Note regarding pets (if necessary, dog care on the spot)
Führhunde sind im Museum Schloss Burgdorf und in der Jugendherberge willkommen.
Guided tours and group offers
Eine grosse Auswahl von Gruppenangeboten unter:



Additional information on Accessibility
Alle Informationen zu Barrierefreiheit:

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