We are the Only Museum for Ceramics in Thuringia
The permanent collection of the Ceramics Museum illustrates the history of Bürgel pottery-making from its beginnings in the mid-17th century to the present day. This extensive collection has been housed in the former schoolhouse since 2003.
Among the outstanding highlights of the museum´s collection are the colorful and elegant ceramics based on designs by Henry van de Velde.
The available audio guide leads visitors through the permanent collection.
In der lieblichen Landschaft des mittleren Saaletals gelegen, ist das Städtchen Bürgel für seine Töpferwaren bekannt. Die Geschichte Bürgels beginnt im 12. Jahrhundert mit der Burg „Burgelin“ und einem Benediktinerkloster. Bürgel entwickelt sich zu einer Handwerker- und Kaufmannssiedlung und findet in der frühen Neuzeit sein Alleinstellungsmerkmal: die Töpferei. In dem Audiorundgang, der Heimatmuseum, Kunsthandwerk und Stadtgeschichte miteinander verbindet, lernen Sie alle Facetten des hübschen Städtchens kennen.
Nestled within the picturesque landscape of the middle Saale valley, the small town of Bürgel is famous for its pottery. Bürgel's history began in the 12th century with a castle called "Burgelin" and a Benedictine monastery. Bürgel evolved into a town of artisans and merchants, becoming famous for its pottery in the Early Modern Period. The audio tour, which takes in the local museum, local arts and crafts and the history of the town, explores all the many facets of this pretty little town.
Das einzige Spezialmuseum für Keramik in Thüringen entstand bereits 1880 als öffentlich zugängliche Mustersammlung. Als eines der ältesten Keramikmuseen überhaupt wird insbesondere die 450-jährige Töpfertradition in Bürgel dokumentiert.
The only specialist museum for ceramics in Thuringia was founded as early as 1880, originally as a collection of samples open to the public. As one of the oldest existing ceramics museums, it focuses on documenting Bürgel’s 450-year-old tradition of making pottery.