
Stations of this Audioguide

- 1
- The “Old University” – from Butchers’ to Museum
- 2
- The Kraichgau Region – an Historic Cultural Landscape
- 3
- A Town Flourishes
- 4
- The Eppingen Lines – From Rampart to Hiking Trail
- 5
- Light and Shadow in the 19th Century
- 6
- Jewish Eppingen – Evidence over many Centuries
- 7
- Heinrich Luz Print Works
- 8
- Eppingen Forest – Firewood and Timber for the Locals
- 9
- Timber Framing and the Carpenter
- 10
- The Baumann House – Town House and Heritage Building
- 11
- Looking is Fun, Taking Part is Better!
- 12
- The Kitchen – the most Important Room in the House
- 13
- Rural Living and Working
- 14
- Female Virtues
- 15
- Morlock Grocer – Eppingen’s Early Supermarket
- 16
- The Parlour
- 17
- Displaced Persons
- 18
- Günther Bossert – Motorcycle Stunt Rider
- 19
- The “Palmbräu” Brewery – Pride of the Kraichgau Region
- 20
- The Fire Brigade – Emergency Service