Station: [66] Peter Wächtler, Ärztehaus, Schöffengericht, Atrium [Medical Centre, Local Court, Atrium], 2024

Peter Wächtler’s sculpture shows a body image in transformation, apparently neither abstract nor figurative. It seems both dynamic and rigid. Its motion, generated by the folds of a draped fabric, is contrasted by a ‘mossy’, ‘pock-marked’ surface structure whose dynamic thwarted by the patina. And so the somewhat slowed down, heavy movement gives the impression of an ‘absconding pietà’, who doesn’t fully trust the processes of change.

Peter Wächtler

Ärztehaus, Schöffengericht, Atrium [Medical Centre, Local Court, Atrium], 2024

Courtesy of the artist; Lars Friedrich, Berlin; dépendance, Brussels; Reena Spaulings Fine Art, New York

© VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn, 2024, Stiftung Skulpturenpark Köln, 2024, Photo: Mareike Tocha