Station: [80] Prison
Luke tells the story: Once when we were on our way to a birthplace, we met a maidservant. She had the spirit of divination, and with this divination she brought great profit to her masters! She followed us and shouted at the top of her voice, "These people are servants of the Most High God; they are telling you the way that will make you whole. She did this for many days. That was annoying to us. Then Paul shouted at her: Spirit. I command you in the name of Jesus Christ: Leave this woman! And at the same moment he left her, but when her masters saw that they could no longer expect any profit, they seized Paul and Silas. They dragged them into the marketplace before the city authorities: "Lords, these Jews are causing trouble in our city." Then the chief officials ordered them to tear off their clothes and beat them with rods Then off to prison and their feet in a block!