Station: [72] Ephesus
"This is handiwork, but not God!" I said. "This is our prosperity!" the silversmith replied. "Danger!" he shouted, "for our city! - What will happen to it without the pilgrims? For two hours they shouted in the stadium: "Great is the goddess Artemis of the Ephesians! But I stand by my words: "Self-made people are not gods!" It still rings in my ears today. And the cause of this turmoil was none other than I. Ephesus was the guardian of the Greek goddess Artemis. And she was a real goldmine. It attracted masses of Artemis pilgrims. At the center of the hustle and bustle was a huge temple, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. Artemis herself was a statue. Hung with bull testicles. You could buy all kinds of souvenirs around the temple. "You're killing us craftsmen and artists! Demetrius, the silversmith, has turned the whole of Ephesus against me!