Station: [68] Jerusalem
"He made no distinction between us and them" It was crazy back then. We argued, me with Peter and all the others. For days. We had come here from Antioch to Jerusalem. The authorities in Jerusalem devised the most complicated ways: all followers of Jesus were to become Jews. No one gave in. And then Peter - the fisherman - finally raises his hand and says We have known it for a long time: God makes no distinction between Jews and non-Jews. Listen to Paul. They listened to me! "You are all now mature children of God - through faith - and because you are united with Jesus Christ in the closest fellowship, for baptism is the greatest thing there is: you have put on Jesus like a robe. It therefore has nothing to do with whether a person is Jewish or Gentile, slave or free, man or woman. Through your union with Jesus Christ, you have all become one."