Station: [47] Tarsus

What you see hanging here is a burqa. Many women here and in many cities in the Orient cover themselves up. Protect themselves with it. Put it on. Look at life from a different perspective. Tarsus means encountering other cultures and views. That's good for you. You are not the smart one and the others are the stupid ones. Do you think that just because you're used to something, it's the best thing? Put up with the fact that others feel differently. Two worlds meet here. It's not just the wood for shipbuilding, which is transported here from the great forests, that is important for Tarsus. Up there, the large building is one of the most famous universities in the Roman Empire. Over there, the synagogue, where the many people stand with their traditional costumes, behind it is the Jewish quarter. Around the corner is one of the many Roman temples, next to it a Greek temple. The caravan over there is coming from Egypt. Hello Sylvanus, have you managed to convince your Greek of your Zeus? He wants to convert everyone. Otherwise we get along quite well. We're now looking at the government building, Tarsus is the provincial capital of Cilicia. Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar and Cleopatra all stopped here and lived in this building. Magnificent, what do you say?