Station: [22] Condemnation of Jesus
You see, the one on the left is Pilate, who is now speaking, a superior from the government. One of the Romans. Jesus is standing before him, on trial. Pilate addresses him: 'The chief priests have handed you over to me. What have you done? Tell me once! Jesus replies, "My kingdom is not of this world. Pilate replies: You are a king? Jesus replies: You say so. I have come into this world, where there is much untruth and lies, to stand up for the truth. Everyone who cares about the truth in life listens to me! Some people cry out: This is unacceptable! Kill him! Crucify him! Pilate replies: What is truth? - You have too many powerful enemies. I wash my hands of you. Pilate then condemned Jesus to death on the cross.