Station: [17] The craft of Paul

Awnings! Are you looking for an awning? I have some here made of linen or here, they are made of goat hair. What do you need them for? For a market stall, please, I have them here. No, this will be a cloth for the theater. Here next to us, for a comedy they're rehearsing for and this batch here is an order from a cattle farmer. There, over here please. It's waiting to be transported to the port. Are you new here in Antioch? You live right on the Orontes, a beautiful river. The third largest city after Rome and Alexandria, yes, you can feel that. Half a million citizens, they say. The clocks run faster there than in Jerusalem. I'm not from there either. I come from the opposite direction, from Tarsus. What - you know Barnabas? He brought me here from Tarsus to help build up the church of Jesus Christ. you say "Christians"? I've never heard that term before. You mean followers of Jesus from Nazareth? A rather strange name, "Christians"? "Do I smell so good?" that you call us "anointed ones"? Yes, we have a good coexistence of Jewish brothers and sisters and non-Jews, slaves and free. Yes, I am convinced of that, rock solid. That a follower of Jesus does not have to become a Jew first! Although this is a hotly debated topic in our country. I will travel up to Jerusalem next week to clarify this. It won't be an easy discussion, I'm sure.