Station: [15] Temple

Wonderful view, isn't it? The climb up the steps was worth it, what looks like a snow-white cube, there in the middle, with the golden battlements, is the actual temple. Come on, can you read this? I'll translate it for you: No one of a different race may enter, but whoever is seized is to blame for the death that follows. This is meant seriously. Jews are still allowed to enter the first courtyard, then further inwards follows the courtyard of Israel and then the courtyard of the priests. Can you smell it? That is the smell of burnt sacrificial meat. Inside, however, is a kind of safe for the most precious thing, namely the name of God. Only one person enters it, once a year, to pronounce it there. And so! And now we turn to the south. So many pillars, like a forest. And in the middle of the sanctuary more than 6,000 square meters of commercial space.John says that Jesus made a scourge of cords and drove all the merchants out of the temple. He poured out the money and overturned their tables. He said to the merchants: Get out! Get out! Don't turn my Father's house into a shopping market!