Station: [119] Melchizedek
Our word bread comes from the Old High German prot, which means fermented, i.e. what comes out when microorganisms "digest and digest" something without oxygen. Rotten things also come out of it. The "oldest text from the Bible that we have tells of a stranger, King Melchizedek, who goes to meet Abram and brings him bread and wine and blesses him. Bread here stands for food. Melchizedek is called the "priest of the Most High God". This is strange, as Abram is already introduced to us in the first book of the Bible as the one whom God addresses and chooses.Abram is the focus of the great story of the first parents.This shifts with "Melchizedek", where he, a stranger, becomes the focus.He blesses Abram. Not Abram the stranger. Excitingly, the stranger blesses the chosen one.