Station: [21] Engine shed
I'm always fascinated by people. They find a tool for everything. Take a look at this engine shed. Before people invented the railroad, they had to haul the heavy granite stones themselves, moving them with rollers and levers and later with horse-drawn carts. But then they came up with wagons on rails and later locomotives - from then on everything was much easier.
Yes, they are clever, humans. A bit lazy in a way, if you ask me. And then they invent all this stuff, the locomotives, the rails, the engine shed and whatnot, and have to clean it, repair it, buy it again. And eventually it becomes garbage. I don't know. A fox would never come up with such ideas.
After all, animals don't need paved roads either. But I do find it fascinating. Always coming up with something. Moving such heavy stones is also dangerous. The railroad not only made transportation easier, but also safer for the workers. That was an important invention. In addition, the cobblestones could be transported faster and further on the rails. Large trucks only came much later.
In the evening, the locomotives went into the shed. Like chickens going to sleep in the shed. Take a look: there's a turntable in front of the engine shed. When the locomotives pulled in in the evening, they stood with their noses to the wall. The next morning, however, they had to drive in the other direction again. That's why they came to the turntable in the morning. And poof, they were back in front and ready to go.
Foto: © SOMV gGmbH