Station: [15] Sampling station

We hope you enjoyed your walk around our exhibition and you would like to try one spice or another. 

Here in our testing station, you find more than 80 different spices and spice mixtures of our own product line. Sweet, fruity, spicy or bitter – there is something for every taste. 

We attach great importance to the quality of our products. Our supplier is a producer and packager of high-quality, natural, pure spices and spice mixtures. The company exclusively uses pure raw materials for our end products. Our products are never genetically manipulated, gassed or irradiated. No artificial irrigation aids are added either. This might result in a natural hygroscopic reaction in our products, which means that the products can absorb moisture from the environment and thus lumps might develop. However, this is not a problem at all. We believe that everyone should be able to enjoy spices as nature has given them to us. 

In our small but mighty museum shop we offer a variety of spices, herbs, books, recipes and spice posters for you. 

Are you looking for a Tahiti vanilla pod or an Iranian saffron directly from the importer? We also sell them, just ask our colleagues. They are also happy to answer your questions and accept your feedback about this place. 

Finally, a short information: In Germany, there is a very strict food law concerning the quality of spices. This is very beneficial for our consumers. 

Would you like to join one of our many events? Here you find an overview which can also be found on our homepage

Thank you for your visit!

Fotos: © Spicy´s - Gewürzmuseum