Station: [13] Spices as remedies

Already in biblical times, spices were special. 

The holy Brahmin books of Ayurveda praise the same spices that we still use every day for the refinement of food, health and iconic purposes.
The healthy effects of spices – without any harmful side effects – is often underestimated or simply not known in the Western World, whereagainst spices have a millennial tradition as remedies in countries like India or China.

Spices can prevent many diseases and heal minor - sometimes even heavier - illnesses or diseases. Unfortunately, however, the old knowledge becomes extinct. This is a tragedy as it could easily be used in today’s time where spices in good quality can easily be bought everywhere.

Finally the enormous body of knowledge around the healing effects of spices and herbs is proven scientifically. Some spices thus find their way back into pharmacies. Basically, it would be enough to add one or another spice into our cooking pots. Unfortunately, at least German people are quite lazy in flavouring their dishes. We travel around the world, eat oriental, Indian, Chinese, African dishes and others, enjoy the variety of spices in these meals, but back at the domestic stove it’s all over again. 

This is a shame as spices are not only good for the general health but as well for the inner peace. For example, cloves have a calming and antidepressant effect. Vanilla calms and strengthens the psyche. With allspices, you support your good mood. Numerous spices like cinnamon and turmeric contain more antioxidants than many vegetables and fruits.  For example, blueberries contain up to 50 times less antioxidants than in the spices mentioned. Why are antioxidants important? They can protect from Alzheimer disease, arthritis, diabetes, cancer and heart diseases. Whoever likes to eat well and healthy should use spices. 

Fotos: © Spicy´s - Gewürzmuseum