Station: [15] Materials: Copper, Tin, Lead, Zinc, Aluminium, Steel, Stainless Steel

Let's follow St. George's advice and delve into the history of metalworking. And also take some time to find out about the materials. 

Take another look at the timeline. It shows the development of tools, techniques, materials and machines in metalworking. Starting in Ancient Egypt with the soldering of jewellery, via the founding of guilds in the 12th century, all the way to the emergence of centres for sheet metal working in the 21st century. The history of processing tin and copper, and other metals, is truly long and eventful!

In between, you'll find seven aluminium panels with introductions to the most important raw materials that metalworkers have to deal with: copper, tin, lead, zinc, aluminium, steel and stainless steel. At the bottom of each panel, there's a small black button. Press the button to watch a film that will provide a deeper insight how the metal in question is processed. 

Feel free to spend as long as you like in here!


All depictions: © Europäisches Klempner- und Kupferschmiedemuseum, Foto: Klaus Hofmann