Station: [21] Welcome to the Bible Gallery’s Garden

In spring and summer, everything here is green, fragrant and in full bloom!

Feel free to come closer and wander along the narrow paths between the beds. 

Or have a rest – sometimes, there’s even a bench beneath the fig tree.

Hyssop, fennel, muscatel sage, and even a young lemon tree – here, in the sheltered former monastery courtyard, we have an extraordinary herb garden designed to attract visitors. Depending on the season, it features some six dozen plant species mentioned in the Bible.

That’s because trees, shrubs, flowers, herbs and fruit are ever-present in the Old and New Testaments. Right at the beginning, the first conflict in human history is triggered by the Tree of Knowledge and the apple Eve offers to Adam.

... an apple that was more probably a fig. Because apples didn’t grow in the land of the Bible, but fig trees did. In Europe, where the Bible was read and translated, figs were unknown, so the forbidden fruit was simply transformed into ... a home-grown apple.

You can discover many more amazing and interesting stories surrounding the "book of books" – the Bible – if you come and visit our museum. Follow the sign to the “Bibelgalerie” and set out on a three-thousand-year journey through time.

Come on in ... and prepare to be amazed!

All depictions: © Bibelgalerie Meersburg