Station: [65] Frances Scholz, Earth Wall (Pandora`s Box, Silver Arm, Stone Hugger), 2024

Earth Wall consists of film footage showing uprooted trees from a former quarry in New England, artificially augmented and imagined by means of neural radiance fields. The trees become performers who make vibrating potentialities visible, acting beyond the boundaries of sculpture and technology, of life and death. The calculated yet devised materiality of the NeRFs extends the visual material onto a sculptural level of its media reality. The work obtains a particular physicality through its reference to the natural world of the park.

Frances Scholz

Earth Wall (Pandora`s Box, Silver Arm, Stone Hugger), 2024

Neural Radiance Fields
14:14 min.

Courtesy of the artist; Clages, Cologne

© VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn, 2024, Stiftung Skulpturenpark Köln, 2024, Photo: Mareike Tocha