Station: [03] Model of the town of Oldenburg

This model of the town of Oldenburg in Holstein provides a better overall view of the expansive grounds here. At the moment, you are located in the museum barn, marked with a flag. If you follow the contours you can identify the Oldenburg ring fort, the hill in the shape of a figure eight, to the south of the museum grounds.
The model shows this in its present-day form. In the early Middle Ages it was the settlement of the Slavs. The settlement covers an area of approx. 2 hectares and is the largest Slavic ring fort in Schleswig-Holstein.

The mighty ramparts on the hill formed during the Ice Age provided those in the fort with an outstanding view of the surrounding area. Impending attacks  were identified quickly. Marshland on three sides made it extremely difficult for horses to pass. The only solid access was towards the south. The gate was heavily guarded, protecting the fort from any attacks. At the foot of the fort is the St. Johannis Church which is also well worth a visit. And nearby you will find the Oldenburg Market with the adjacent pedestrian zone.

Now, please take a look at Board Number 1.